MS Excel Compatibility Functions List PDF Download

अगर आप Microsoft Excel चलाते है या फिर इक्सेल को चलना सीख रहे है ये पोस्ट आपके लिए ही है, क्योंकि मे आपके लिए कुछ MS Excel Compatibility Functions हिन्दी मे ले कर आया हु, जोकी आपको बहुत काम आने वाले है।

MS Excel Compatibility Function in Hindi

अगर आप Ms Excel मे Accounts या कोई ऐसा काम करते है जहा Finance या Insurance को ले के excel sheet बनानी पड़ती है तो नीचे दिए गए Compatibility Function आपके काम को बहुत ही आसान बना सकते है।

BETADIST functionReturns the beta cumulative distribution function
BETAINV functionReturns the inverse of the cumulative distribution function for a specified beta distribution
BINOMDIST functionReturns the individual term binomial distribution probability
CHIDIST functionReturns the one-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution
CHIINV functionReturns the inverse of the one-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution
CHITEST functionReturns the test for independence
CONCATENATE functionJoins two or more text strings into one string.
CONFIDENCE functionReturns the confidence interval for a population mean
COVAR functionReturns covariance, the average of the products of paired deviations
CRITBINOM functionReturns the smallest value for which the cumulative binomial distribution is less than or equal to a criterion value
EXPONDIST functionReturns the exponential distribution
FDIST functionReturns the F probability distribution
FINV functionReturns the inverse of the F probability distribution
FORECAST functionReturns a value along a linear trend
Note: In Excel 2016, this function is replaced with the new Forecasting functions, but it’s still available for compatibility with earlier versions.
FLOOR functionRounds a number down, toward zero
FTEST functionReturns the result of an F-test
GAMMADIST functionReturns the gamma distribution
GAMMAINV functionReturns the inverse of the gamma cumulative distribution
HYPGEOMDIST functionReturns the hypergeometric distribution
LOGINV functionReturns the inverse of the lognormal cumulative distribution function
LOGNORMDIST functionReturns the cumulative lognormal distribution
MODE functionReturns the most common value in a data set
NEGBINOMDIST functionReturns the negative binomial distribution
NORMDIST functionReturns the normal cumulative distribution
NORMINV functionReturns the inverse of the normal cumulative distribution
NORMSDIST functionReturns the standard normal cumulative distribution
NORMSINV functionReturns the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution
PERCENTILE functionReturns the k-th percentile of values in a range
PERCENTRANK functionReturns the percentage rank of a value in a data set
POISSON functionReturns the Poisson distribution
QUARTILE functionReturns the quartile of a data set
RANK functionReturns the rank of a number in a list of numbers
STDEV functionEstimates standard deviation based on a sample
STDEVP functionCalculates standard deviation based on the entire population
TDIST functionReturns the Student’s t-distribution
TINV functionReturns the inverse of the Student’s t-distribution
TTEST functionReturns the probability associated with a Student’s t-test
VAR functionEstimates variance based on a sample
VARP functionCalculates variance based on the entire population
WEIBULL functionReturns the Weibull distribution
ZTEST functionReturns the one-tailed probability-value of a z-test
CALL functionCalls a procedure in a dynamic link library or code resource
EUROCONVERT functionConverts a number to euros, converts a number from euros to a euro member currency, or converts a number from one euro member currency to another by using the euro as an intermediary (triangulation).
REGISTER.ID functionReturns the register ID of the specified dynamic link library (DLL) or code resource that has been previously registered

MS Excel Compatibility Functions PDF Download

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हमने यहा पर लगभग सभी MS Excel के Compatibility के Functions को हिन्दी मे इस लिस्ट मे समिल किया है, अगर आपके पास कोई Function है जोकी इस लिस्ट मे समिल हो सके तो हमे Comment मे बताए।

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